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Firmen Training

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 Wir haben uns auf 25 Berufe spezialisiert!

Sehen Sie selbst wie schnell Sie Ihr Vokabular berufsbezogen verbessern können und die Übungen im Beruf umsetzen können.

* Business Englisch 

* Deutschkurse für ausländische Mitarbeiter  

* Aussprachetraining für viele Nationalitäten auf Englisch

* Grammatik Boot Camp

* Prüfungsvorbereitung Englisch für den  Haupt- oder Realschul-Abschluss

* Schulenglisch / Nachhilfe / Grammatik

Auf Social Media teilen

A2-C2    What's Cooking? Let's cook and have a nice conversation

Kochkurse auf Englisch erfreuen sich immer mehr an Beliebtheit! Die Rezepte sind in leicht verständlichem Englisch mit Bildern und das 4 Gänge Menü  wird zusammen gekocht und dabei wird nur Englisch gesprochen und später geschlemmt. Ein sehr schönes Incentive für Ihre Firma?! 

Exotic Florida * Schinken mit Ananas, Coconut-Shrimp,  Apricot Crumble 

Let's cook and speak English with Kim. She is an American and would like to show you some great recipes! We will start with a nice drink, some finger food, grilled ham with pineapple, lime chicken and finish it with a fabulous dessert such as apricot/mango crumble - let me surprise you. It is all about enjoying great food, nice people and having a good time! If you speak an A1.2/A2 or higher level please com

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner - traditionelles amerikanisches Festessen

Why not cook a nice Thanksgiving Dinner with me and speak English tonight? I would love to share this nice American tradition with you and show you how to prepare a turkey with baked potatoes, vegetables, sweet potatoes and enjoy different desserts, too. This is a fine experience (we usually celebrate Nov. 26th) to prepare a dinner which has been cooked since 1621 by the Pilgrims


"Love is in the Air"  

We will create a candle light dinner - Let me surprise you with a romantic menu. Let’s make a rose petal bowl! We will cook a lovely menu with foods with aphrodisiac powers such as asparagus, chocolate, figs, almonds, vanilla, truffle-oil and garlic, avocado. Later we’ll create a rosewater dessert, American cherry cheese pie for lovers, strawberry/rasberry-ice cream. Let the romance begin for you and your partner….


Bella Italy - Italo American Food:

...selbstgemachte Pasta, knusprige Tortellini, Pizza, Anti-Pasti 'mal anders!

Do you like Italo-American Food? Then you are welcome to join us. Tonight we will cook and speak English all evening with an American teacher who really loves the Italian food! We will prepare our antipasti, make ravioli and pasta served with home-made marinara sauce. Fresh tomato-garlic soup. Learn how to bake fresh Pizza and the famous focaccia bread. Enjoy spinach and goat-cheese salad with caramelized walnuts. Later we will enjoy our gelati (Eis) and other desserts. Let me surprise you. 


Tex Mex - die mexikanische Küche erleben und dabei englisch sprechen und sich kennenlernen. We are going to cook Tex-Mex style: this means the meals we love to eat in California! They have their origin in Texas and Mexico. You will cook and speak English all evening with your Native American teacher. Appetizers, a delicious cocktail, preparing your own crust for the taco salad, different dips for our fajitas and spicy chili con carne.  Come and join us! 


Sushi for beginners!

Erleichtern Sie ihren Freunden und Kollegen den Einstieg in die Welt des asiatischen Finger Foods.  Ideal auch für Vegetarier. Maki, Temaki or Nigiri mit viel Gemüse, Ei und Käse, Chicken-Salad Wraps und wenn sie mutiger werden auch Räucherlachs, Krabben oder Krebsfleisch.

Sushi is sooo delicious and I will show you how you can enter this new world of flavors. We will prepare tasty Sushi with vegetables, cheese, egg, chicken-salad wraps and for the brave also some sushi with smoked Salmon (Räucherlachs) and shrimp or crab. Come and see – you will love making Maki, Temaki or Nigiri  and surprise your friends. Do not worry about the English, if you speak an A2 level and above – you are at the right place to be

Arabian Nights

We are expecting many new people to arrive in Germany and hopefully you will make new friends. Maybe you want to show that we do not only eat pork? Well, then this is going to be a great evening for you: we will make dishes with chicken and beef, fresh flatbread, oriental vegetables and spices! English level A2 and above– the recipes are easy to understand. Bring your friends!


BBQ/Barbecue & Steak’s - not only for men from Texas...!

This is going to be a great cookout! We will have a BBQ with steaks, hot-wings, fresh corn, corn bread, Chili, Tacos with salsa and the unforgettable coleslaw-salad you know from Kentucky Fried Chicken and the mouthwatering Philadephia-cheese-cake. Do not worry about the English, if you speak an A2 level and above – you are at the right place to be


Fingerfood / Partyfood

 Planning a party and want to spend time with your guests when they arrive instead of being in the kitchen all evening?...well, then let's have some finger food with different themes such as Italo-American, Arabian, China-Town, American, Tex-Mex

Kim Lina MarcumKim Lina Marcum